This Agreement constitutes a binding and executed written agreement between Üçdal Tekstil Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi (“BRIX”), whose address, trade registry number, MERSIS number, KEP address, and ETBIS number are listed below, and the individual or entity (“Customer”) accepting these terms. This Agreement is effective from the date you click the "I Accept" button (or any similar button or link designed by Üçdal to indicate your acceptance of these terms) to register to use the www.brix.com.tr website (the “Effective Date”). By accepting these terms on behalf of yourself, your employer, or another entity, you represent and warrant that you have the full legal authority to bind the relevant entity to this Agreement and the commitments herein, that you will provide all necessary documents upon request, that you have read and understood these terms, and that the information provided is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. You also agree that you accept these terms on behalf of yourself or the party you represent and that you are the sole point of contact for any claims, demands, or allegations that may arise within the scope of these terms and commitments. You acknowledge that BRIX is not responsible for any claims, demands, or allegations in this regard, and you agree to indemnify BRIX for any damages incurred without the need for a separate judgment. Acceptance of these terms is mandatory to continue using the website. If you do not accept all of the terms and conditions or do not have full legal authority to bind the relevant entity to the Agreement and the commitments herein, do not click the "I Accept" button and do not use the website. In these terms, the Customer and BRIX will each be referred to as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties."

BRIX may amend these terms by providing written notice to the Customer thirty (30) days in advance, either via email or by posting a notice of change on the BRIX website at www.brix.com.tr. If you continue to use the website after the thirty (30) day notice period, you will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by the new terms.

The Parties have agreed as follows, based on the mutual commitments outlined below and in consideration of other appropriate and valid terms stated herein:


The Customer is solely responsible for using the website (e.g., accessing and using website accounts and protecting usernames and passwords) (“Use”).

The use of the website is subject to the privacy policy available at www.brix.com.tr and all applicable common policies provided by BRIX to the Customer (in each case, as amended from time to time, the "Policies").

The Privacy Policies are available at www.brix.com.tr. By accepting these terms and conditions, you are deemed to have accepted the Privacy Policy. BRIX will comply with the Privacy Policies in connection with the website. The Customer will direct any communications related to the website only to BRIX under these terms.


The Member declares and undertakes that the personal and other information provided while registering on the www.brix.com.tr website is legally accurate and that they will indemnify BRIX for all damages incurred due to the inaccuracy of this information.

The Member cannot share the password provided by BRIX with any other person or organization, and the right to use the said password belongs exclusively to the Member. As a result, the Member is solely responsible for all liability arising from the use of the password, and BRIX reserves all compensation and other claims arising from such unauthorized use against the Member.

The Member agrees and undertakes to comply with the legal regulations while using the www.brix.com.tr website and not to violate them. Otherwise, the Member shall be solely and exclusively responsible for all legal and criminal liabilities.

The Member cannot use the www.brix.com.tr website in any way that disrupts public order, violates general morality, disturbs or harasses others, is unlawful, or infringes on others' intellectual and copyright rights. Furthermore, the Member cannot engage in activities that prevent or make it difficult for others to use the services (spam, viruses, trojans, etc.).

Opinions and thoughts expressed, written, and used by Members on the www.brix.com.tr website are entirely the Member's own personal views and bind the opinion holder. These opinions and thoughts have no connection with BRIX. BRIX has no responsibility for the opinions and thoughts of third parties that may cause damage to third parties due to the opinions and thoughts expressed by the Member

BRIX is not responsible for unauthorized persons reading Member data or for any damage to Member software and data. The Member accepts in advance not to claim any compensation from BRIX for any damages they may incur due to using the www.brix.com.tr website.

The Member accepts not to access or use other internet users' software and data without authorization. Otherwise, the Member is solely responsible for all legal and criminal liabilities arising from this.

The Member personally bears all criminal and legal responsibilities if they violate one or more of the articles listed in this membership agreement and will keep BRIX free from the legal and criminal consequences of these violations. Furthermore, BRIX reserves the right to claim compensation from the Member for any non-compliance with the membership agreement if the incident is referred to the legal authorities due to this violation.

BRIX has the right to unilaterally delete the Member's membership, and delete the files, documents, and information belonging to the Customer, if necessary. The Member accepts this in advance. In this case, BRIX has no responsibility.

The software and design of the www.brix.com.tr website are the property of BRIX, and the copyright and/or other intellectual property rights related to them are protected by applicable laws and cannot be used, acquired, or changed by the Member without authorization. The other companies and products mentioned on this website are trademarks of their respective owners and are also protected within the scope of intellectual property rights.

BRIX may collect some information to improve and develop the www.brix.com.tr website and/or within the framework of legal regulations, such as the name of the internet service provider used to access the site, the IP address, the date and time of access to the site, the pages accessed while on the site, and the internet address of the website that provided direct access to the site.

BRIX may disclose the Member's personal information when required by a legal obligation or in good faith when it believes that such action is necessary to comply with legal requirements or legal processes served on BRIX; protect and defend the rights and property of the BRIX website family.

While measures have been taken within available means to ensure that the www.brix.com.tr website is free from viruses and similar malicious software, the Member must supply their virus protection system and ensure necessary protection to guarantee ultimate security. In this context, by accessing the www.brix.com.tr website, the Member accepts that they are responsible for all errors and their direct or indirect results that may occur in their software and operating systems.

BRIX reserves the right to change the content of the site at any time, change or terminate any service provided to users, or delete user information and data registered on the www.brix.com.tr website.

BRIX can change, update, or cancel the terms of the membership agreement at any time without prior notice or warning in any way. Each provision changed, updated, or removed will be binding for all Members on the publication date.

The Parties accept and declare that all computer records of BRIX shall be considered the sole and true exclusive evidence per Article 287 of the Code of Civil Procedure and that these records constitute a contract of evidence.

BRIX, under this membership agreement, has the authority to send information emails to its Members' registered email addresses and information SMS to their mobile phones. By approving this membership agreement, the Member is deemed to have accepted the sending of information emails to their email address and information SMS to their mobile phone.


All intellectual property rights, whether registered or unregistered, such as title, business name, trademark, patent, logo, design, information, and methods, on this Site belong to BRIX, the site operator, or the specified related party and are protected under national and international law. Visiting this website or utilizing the services offered on this website does not grant any rights regarding such intellectual property.

The information on the Site cannot be reproduced, published, copied, presented, or transmitted in any way. Unauthorized use of all or part of the Site on another internet site is not allowed.


The Customer agrees, declares, and undertakes to indemnify BRIX for all kinds of penalties, costs, compensation, and other financial liabilities (including any direct and indirect damages and sanctions that may be imposed by administrative authorities) that BRIX may be subjected to or incur due to the Customer's use of the www.brix.com.tr website in violation of this Agreement and the applicable regulations, without the need for any judgment and within 10 (ten) days following BRIX's first written request.


BRIX may modify, add or delete provisions of these Terms and Conditions at any time without incurring any obligation. Modified terms will be published on www.brix.com.tr or communicated via email. The Customer should regularly check these Terms. Changes to the Terms will not apply retroactively and will become effective 30 days after publication. However, changes made for new functionalities or legal reasons will take effect immediately after notification.

BRIX may temporarily suspend the Customer's right to participate in Programs at any time. In any case, the Customer's use of the website after termination is at BRIX's sole discretion.


These Terms are subject to the laws of the Republic of Turkey, excluding conflict of laws rules.

The Parties will try to resolve all disputes (“Dispute”) related to these Terms in good faith within 30 days of the occurrence of the Dispute

. If the Dispute is not resolved within 30 days, the Parties agree that all Disputes or claims arising from or related to these Terms, or any breach thereof, will be resolved by the Istanbul (Anadolu) Courts and Enforcement Offices. Those who qualify as consumers may apply to the relevant consumer arbitration boards and consumer courts in case of a dispute.

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between the Parties regarding the subject matter and supersede all prior or contemporaneous agreements on the subject matter.

All notifications made under or in connection with this Agreement will be in writing and will refer to this Agreement. Notifications can be made (a) in person; (b) by fax or registered electronic mail; (c) by registered or return receipt requested mail; or (d) through a notary.

Notifications will be sent to the addresses specified in this Agreement.

Failure of either Party to exercise (or delay in exercising) any rights under these Terms will not constitute a waiver of any rights. If any provision of these Terms is found to be unenforceable, the remaining Terms will remain in full force and effect.

The Customer cannot transfer any or all of their rights or obligations under this Agreement, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of the other Party. Such consent cannot be unreasonably withheld or delayed, except that the terms of this Agreement shall bind and benefit the Parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

**KEP ADDRESS:** [email protected]

**POSTAL ADDRESS:** [email protected]

**MERSIS NUMBER:** 0904006356000014



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